Happiness is so interesting, because we all have different ideas about what it is and how to get it.
For me, Happiness comes from various different things and my sources of Happiness are always changing. Some days, Happiness is going to an early spinning class and other days, it's enjoying a glass of Pinot Noir mid-afternoon! Since Life is constantly changing, it makes sense that our sources of Happiness are too.
Sometimes it's in the little simple things that I get the most enjoyment. A smile from a Husband. The smell of my newborn. A good night of sleep. Watching the sunset. An amazing diner. A fantastic bottle of Pinot Noir. A cuddle from my baby girl.
Part of my happiness is also knowing that I am improving my longevity on this Earth by taking good care of my body inside and out.
Sometimes it's in the little simple things that I get the most enjoyment. A smile from a Husband. The smell of my newborn. A good night of sleep. Watching the sunset. An amazing diner. A fantastic bottle of Pinot Noir. A cuddle from my baby girl.
Part of my happiness is also knowing that I am improving my longevity on this Earth by taking good care of my body inside and out.
My desire to have a better quality of life, to feel
and look younger and my demand for the highest quality natural
wellness products is insatiable. (I am a total sucker for it all!)
I strongly believe that the sooner you start implementing good and healthy habits, the sooner you can reap the sweet, sweet benefits of healthy living. Happiness!
This part of my life is something that I truly enjoy and appreciate. I love a good healthy routine. It makes me feel that I am in control of my life, my body and my mind.
This is my favorite smoothie. I make it with almond milk, organic lemon juice, organic blueberries, organic spinach and the 3 essential products below.
Beaming Superfood Green Protein Powder |
Culinary Green Tea Matcha Powder |
Super Collagen Powder |
4. Supplements
These are part of my daily regimen. A good multivitamin is a must. Simply put, even the healthiest of diets will be lacking some nutrients that are depleted from our soils. Prebiotics and probiotics both accomplish important health tasks for the human gut. When you have ample beneficial bacteria, you can experience better overall health from a physical, mental and emotional standpoint. You’ll be better nourished, feel fuller, and able to achieve and maintain a healthy weight more easily.
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for your body and brain. Ovega-3 is a great vegetarian/vegan alternative to fish-based omega-3 supplements.
Multivitamin |
Vegan probiotic & prebiotic supplement |
Plant-based Omega-3 |
5. White Hot Truth by Danielle Laporte
Simply A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
Regular exercise, such as walking, is essential for health and one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Walking is a low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise suitable for nearly everyone. After having had a Cesarean last month, walking is a great way to start exercising again. This double stroller just makes me happy to be walking again !
7. My Shower Regimen
One of my favorite wellness regimen is my shower routine. For me, having a bath or taking a shower is for ridding myself of "physical world bacterium", but is also a method of releasing bad thoughts and energies from myself. It is like cleansing myself energetically, emotionally, and physically. It always makes me feel much better afterwards!
Here is my list of personal care products that I use daily after I shower. They are free of harmful chemicals and toxic ingredients! Happiness!
Devita, Solar Body Moisturizer, SPF 30+ |
Seaweed Bath Co., Firming Detox Cream, Enlighten, Lemongrass |
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